Digital skills courses
Explore our courses and build your digital skills.
Find a course and grow your digital confidence
Learning basic digital skills can improve your life, both at home and work.
Our free digital skills courses and workshops help you gain digital confidence by giving you support with online services and opportunities.
The courses cover a range of topics and there's something for everyone, no matter where you are on your learning journey. They include teaching skills and information such as:
- an introduction to the internet and web browsing
- internet safety
- online job searching
- saving money online
- using your Clarion Online account
- reporting repairs online.
Get started
If you’re interested in any of our courses, text CLARION to 60650 with your name, address, and enquiry or click the register button below to fill in an application form.
What course will you choose?
We offer drop-in classes, workshops and accredited courses, with many now available online via Microsoft Teams or Zoom, offering you a flexible way to learn.
For a full list of digital skills courses, click below.
We helped Ahmed unlock a world of opportunities
After approaching us for help, we lent Ahmed a laptop and mobile Wi-Fi device so he could complete several digital skills courses.
Ahmed now uses Zoom and Microsoft Teams, goes online to do his shopping and pay his bills, and can manage his MyClarion online account independently.
I felt confident when I was listening to the online learning sessions. My teachers are so helpful and patient. That's why I will continue to get help and attend more courses and sessions.