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Meet Brendon - Resident Gardener


Green-fingered Brendon finds gardening boosts his mental wellbeing.

When Brendon moved into his Clarion home more than three years ago, he discovered that tending to the communal gardens on his estate has had a positive impact on his mental health.

“I think one of the hardest things about having a mental health condition - as well as being single, without kids and getting older - is filling your time, as well as having a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

“I've been not just allowed, but encouraged to get stuck into the garden. I have found it such an awesome hobby as it gives so much back with little strenuous effort.

“From providing good exercise, to helping me deal with problems in the mind, gardening has helped me find peace and enabled me to have a good laugh.

“Although I consider myself a lazy gardener, there has been much sweat, very little blood (apart from the obligatory prick of the roses) and it has done wonders for the alleviation of tears. As a very good friend once said to me, you can take all your anger and put it under a plant and watch it grow into something beautiful.

“One of the most unexpected things about gardening is that I have gained the respect of most of the residents and management, which adds to my feel good factor! Nowadays, I often find myself either whistling or humming.”