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All you need to know about managing your home, including repairs, communal areas, service charges, and EWS1 fire safety forms.

Our leasehold homes are built and run by our property development company, Latimer by Clarion Housing Group.

The Latimer website has all the information you'll need to manage your home, whether you’ve lived there for years or have just moved in. This includes how to report repairs, information on extending your lease, or advice on how to sell your home. 

Go to Latimer

Repairs to communal areas

If you live in a shared building, Clarion is responsible for maintaining and repairing the:

  • communal areas
  • communal plumbing
  • heating and electrics
  • fire safety
  • structure of your building.

You can check your home user guide to see what applies to you.

Service charges

We tell you the estimated service charge at the start of each financial year. We then update you on what we actually spent within six months of the end of each financial year.

Ground rent

You might also have to pay ground rent to your freeholder. If so, you’ll get a notice before each financial year sharing how much you have to pay and whether this will increase over time. The deficit or surplus from this is applied to your account on 30 September each year.

Sinking funds

With some leases, we collect fees for a sinking fund, also known as a reserve fund. Sinking funds are kept in an account that accrues interest and we only use this money when unplanned major works are needed. We’ll always let you know how much is in your sinking fund and if we need to use the money.

Find out more about service charges

EWS1 fire safety forms

In 2020, the Government issued revised guidance on building safety standards for flats within apartment blocks. As a result, buildings of any height may now require the EWS1 (external wall system) form devised by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

EWS1 certification requires a new assessment of the building by a qualified, independent professional. This is to make sure that the external wall system meets the new fire risk standards, or determine whether remedial work is needed.

EWS1 forms are not a legal requirement, but some lenders require one before they’ll offer a mortgage.

The form may apply to you if you live in an apartment block and want to sell or remortgage your home. EWS1 forms only apply to flats.

We're investigating the external wall systems on our buildings and are prioritising blocks under six storeys. We'll update customers as soon as we know if any work is needed. 

Find out more about EWS1