We are constantly looking to improve our services and work in partnership with our residents to provide the services they need. Every community is different and there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.
During the last year, we developed our Local Offers approach, which tackles specific local problems raised by residents. The work is informed by resident needs, and by looking at cases at a local level, we are able to maximise the impact of our investment to improve neighbourhoods and resident wellbeing.
We also provide specialised packages of support for residents with different needs. An example of this is our LiveSmart service, which is designed to support residents over the age of 50. We also provide supported housing for homeless people, those with learning disabilities, people requiring mental health support, ex-offenders, people in recovery from addictions, as well as refugees through our Syrian Family Support Service.
Find out more about how you can share your views and influence our local, regional and national services.