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Spotlight on Coventry


Celebrating one year of working together to make a difference at an estate in Coventry.

The event was supported by contractor partners, the council and teams from across Clarion. Highlights included the opening of the new safe play area, installation of the CCTV system, and a sunflower planting competition.

Over the past year, we have been working closely with residents to improve the neighbourhood. Using a range of surveys and activities to encourage feedback, residents told us their priorities and shared ideas to make a difference.

Waste management, grounds maintenance, children’s play and security were among the issues, which went into creating a neighbourhood project plan.

Over the next few months, consultations, community events and activities took place along with litter picks and competitions. Regular meetings have encouraged eight residents to get involved in helping to deliver the neighbourhood project plan.

So much progress has been made by working together that a celebration was definitely in order!

Residents were also invited to share their views on next steps for the estate plan. The Planning for Real mapping exercise is a chance to map ideas, by adding flags to mark where improvements could be made.

So far, by working together we have:

  • Gated the safe play area and community garden 
  • Enclosed the refuse bins 
  • Installed Smart Eye cameras
  • Reviewed the communal door entry system
  • Updated notice boards with key dates, and maintenance schedules
  • Cleaned car park signage 
  • Monthly resident meetings and regular updates

“We owe a massive thank to all our residents, for getting us this far” Lesley, Neighbourhood Response Manager.

Plans continue for further improvements, so watch this space!