Personal wellbeing
From dealing with antisocial behaviour to providing a range of supported housing services, we're here to help you and your wellbeing.
What is antisocial behaviour?
Antisocial behaviour can cause stress, anxiety, and fear, and could seriously affect your personal wellbeing.
It can mean a one-off incident, but usually refers to problems that continue over a period of time, including:
- actual or threatened violence or verbal abuse
- illegal use of premises or other criminal behaviour
- vandalism or misuse of communal areas
- neighbourhood nuisance.
Is noise antisocial behaviour?
Complaints about noise are not normally considered antisocial behaviour unless the noise is excessive and regular.
Noise complaints are often best dealt with by local councils, as they can enforce measures.
Find out more about dealing with antisocial behaviour
Find out about harassment and hate crime
Phone 999 in an emergency
Important: if you feel in immediate danger, phone the police on 999.
Do you have safeguarding concerns?
You, along with all our residents, have the right to live in safety. That means not having to deal with abuse and neglect or anything else that could harm your personal wellbeing.
Protecting yours and your neighbours’ physical, emotional, and psychological needs is called safeguarding and our staff are trained to help. They will:
- Respond take action to make sure whoever is in need (you, your neighbour or a child) is safe.
- Report any concerns to their manager straight away, then social services or the police.
- Record any concerns, filling in and submitting a referral to statutory services.
- Revisit noting down and sharing updates from the Local Authority Safeguarding Team.
What should I do if I’m worried about someone?
If you are worried about an individual or a child, you can get in touch with your Local Authority Safeguarding Team.
Find your local safeguarding team
You can also get in touch with us. We’ll listen to your concerns and contact the relevant agencies if needed.
You can read our safeguarding leaflet for more information.
Call 0300 500 8000 – our phone lines are open from 8:30am-5pm Monday to Friday and 10am-5pm on Wednesdays.
Or use our live chat by clicking on the ‘chat with us’ button at the bottom of this page.
For our full safeguarding policy please visit: www.myclarionhousing.com/about-us/clarion-housing-policies
For the first time in years I feel safe, stable and excited about finally putting down roots.
Read Jacqueline's storyJacqueline
Amy’s Place resident
Meet Jacqueline – Amy’s Place
Jacqueline is a resident at Amy’s Place, a recovery house for young women aged 18-30 who have struggled with drug and alcohol dependency. Clarion owns and manages Amy’s Place with funding from the Amy Winehouse Foundation.
“I arrived at Amy’s Place eight months ago and it has been an absolute blessing. For the first time in years I feel safe, stable and excited about finally putting down roots.
“I now live in a shared flat and have found a sisterhood that had been lacking in my life. I have created special friendships and a great sense of independence.
“There is always access to help from people with experience in the drug and alcohol fields, who work closely with us around preventing relapse. My keyworker, Alan, also supported me in applying for benefits.”
Get help from our charitable foundation
Clarion Futures is our charitable foundation and can help you in lots of different ways. We offer support in many areas, such as:
- money and household bills
- jobs, apprenticeships, and training
- digital skills
- mental health and wellbeing.
I don't think I would have been able to do this on my own, but Clarion were there to help me.
Clarion resident