A food assistance company set up during lockdown is now serving the wider community of Snodland in Kent, thanks to team work across Clarion.
A partnership between Clarion Futures, local councils, residents, voluntary and community organisations, and Lizard Landscape Design & Ecology worked together on the initial plans before consulting with residents.
The space is for all ages to enjoy the natural habitat, which feature on the colourful plans. Posters and leaflets were distributed locally for comment, and received a fantastic response, with lots of great ideas which we hope to include in the final plans later this year. Residents hope to set up a ‘Friends of Spring Copse’ group; and both the local ‘East Grinstead in Bloom’ and Mid Sussex Voluntary Action have also offered advice and support.
The project is a real community effort; which we are proud to support alongside the volunteer run Stone Quarry Café and Community Fridge.
This article was featured in Your Clarion, our resident magazine.
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