Ways to pay
Find out about the simple ways to make payments, including direct debit and using your Clarion online account.
Paying your rent or service charges
It is important that you continue to make your rent payments. This includes any charges you are responsible for, such as service charges.
Our payment methods include:
- your Clarion online account
- PayPoint (using your allpay card)
- Standing Order
- Bank transfer
- Direct Debit
- phone our Customer Services Team.
What to do if you're having trouble paying
Anyone can have problems paying their rent and service charges from time to time, and we help support people who are facing this.
If you're struggling to pay, please phone us straight away on 0300 500 8000.
It's always best to talk to us as soon as possible, because if things get out of hand you could risk losing your home. However, if we know what's going on we can help you take steps that could stop that from happening.
We can talk you through your options and may refer you to a specialist agency for free advice on money, debt, or benefits.
Pay using your Clarion online account
If you have a Clarion online account you can continue to make payments through your online account.
It is safe and secure to do this, simply log in and follow the make a payment video instructions supplied here.
To register for an online account, please click the button below.
Register for an online account
Removing a payment card
Removing a bank card can be done easily through your online account.
Once logged in to your online account you’ll see your account summary and balance. To remove a payment card you must have an amount on the balance.
From there, type in the amount you wish to pay and select the ‘Pay now’ button.
You’ll be taken to the payment options page, where you’ll see a ‘manage cards’ button at the top.
If you're looking at this web page on your mobile and can't see this button, turn your phone landscape.
After tapping the button you'll be able to see a list of payment cards you’ve previously added.
To remove one, click on the card you’d like delete and tap ‘Confirm’.
Paying by Direct Debit
Most people find it easiest to pay by Direct Debit. This means your rent and service charges are automatically paid to us from your bank account on a regular basis, so you can be sure you won't miss a payment.
If you don't already pay by Direct Debit, and you’d like to, please phone us on 0300 500 8000, or you can download and complete a Direct Debit mandate and post it to the address on the form.
Paying by Direct Debit if you are on Universal Credit
Universal Credit means you will get most of your benefits paid into your bank account in a single payment, every month. If you get Universal Credit, you're normally expected to pay all the rent yourself.
To make sure you don't miss any payments, and to give you peace of mind, set up a Direct Debit by calling us on 0300 500 8000.
Paying by standing order or bank transfer
If you pay by standing order, you'll need to check and confirm the amount you pay to reflect any new rent and service charges.
The bank details to pay us by standing order are:
Name: Clarion Housing
Account number: 00000000
Sort code: 62-31-13
You will also need your customer reference number, so we can match your payment to your account. The reference will start with the letter 'C'.
Paying using your allpay card
You may prefer to pay using an allpay card. People like this way because it's free, quick, and convenient.
You simply take your allpay card to any Post Office or shop that has a PayPoint and pay the Post Office or shop the amount you owe us using cash or your bank card.
The person at the PayPoint will swipe your allpay card, so it gets credited to your account with us.
You can search for places where you can use your allpay card near you at allpay.net.
If you prefer, you can pay over the phone using your allpay card by calling 0330 041 6497. This service is available any time, day or night. Please know that some mobile phones may charge for these calls.
If you don’t already have an allpay card and would like one, you can register at allpayments.net. You can also go to this website to ask for a replacement if you've lost your card.